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- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
照前面大大指示NAME輸入client-type VALUE輸入beta 結果以前都固定收基本分1835分的16系列任務 現在都收到只基本分897分的16系列任務無額外獎勵積分 只有SMP部分持續有額外獎勵積分 該不會只有NV卡可以跑8057吧(我用ATI 6870) |
New GPU3 Project 8057 has been released to test the Unified GPU/SMP benchmarking scheme. The details of the scheme and the reasons for the change are highlighted in the recent blog post by Prof. V. S. Pande on http://folding.typepad.com (text included below). These WUs fold on Nvidia Fermi GPUs. The project stats are included below: Points:2549 Deadline:10 days Timeout:6.86 days |
原來kepler 不能跑.....那不用再試了. 收工.... :cry:
http://folding.extremeoverclocking....php?s=&u=381432 不要隨便下載那個老Core 那是給費米用的 但是我不管怎麼跑都是會收到一些5757 WU.... |
下-betateam參數有機會收到P8057,但也會收到其他WU。 由以下文章看來,類似P8057的project將會成為常態。 http://folding.typepad.com/news/201...equal-work.html OCTOBER 21, 2012 Unified GPU/SMP benchmarking scheme: equal points for equal work The current benchmarking calculations for SMP and GPU projects are performed on different machines since originally the SMP cores could not perform the calculations that the GPUs cores could and vice versa (GPUs were only for implicit solvent calculations and SMP only for explicit solvent calculations). With recent advances in both cores and completion of our testing of these capabilities to ensure agreement, we are now confident we can do the same work on both cores. Thus, we feel that it is time to unify GPU and SMP benchmarking, both for simplicity and fairness. In order to complete the move towards this plan of "equal points for equal work," new GPU projects will be benchmarked using the existing SMP benchmarking scheme. Based on our internal tests, the end effect of this new, unified benchmarking scheme would boost the points for the GPU projects, both in terms of base points but also by bringing Quick Return Bonuses to GPU clients. In order to test the new scheme, we have started a GPU3 project (Project ID: 8057) and released it for beta testing. Once the benchmarking scheme has been tested, all the current GPU projects will be re-benchmarked to reflect the changes in the benchmarking scheme. |
我覺得是前些日子的高頻音比較不明顯的關係! 依稀記得一兩年前跑起來聲音也這麼大XD 真懷念~ |
Rules change是現實生活的一部分,世界排名第三的Overclock.net是因應轉變
最快速的團隊之一。 |
從以下討論觀之,Kepler應可運算P8057: http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?...mpage=1#1778066 |
以前V6正常運作收1835分地跑的也很正常但更新到V7後GPU負荷都低於40% 每%花近三倍時間 輸入那兩參數收897分的任務來跑GPU才會100%負荷 不過V6時我SMP PPD約2千 V7時SMP PPD約4千 |
向大家報告這幾天跑 p8057 的心得,
小弟的使用的是 kepler 的顯卡,之前停跑 F@H 好一陣子 前幾天在站上看到有關 p8057 的情報, 在查詢前輩設定的方法後, 以為只需要有 SMP 的 passkey 和添加 client-type beta 參數, 而這些設定以前就弄好了, 因此直接打開 V7 的客戶端, 真的就順利收到 p8057 ...沒有其他設定 感覺只需要有 SMP 的 passkey 和 client-type beta 參數就可以跑 過程中也有接到 p8018 任務包,索性就讓它算完了 昨天也有嘗試前輩提到的 Core 15 ver. 2.22, 但是換了以後 p8057 、 p8018 都無法開始運算, 因此就刪掉讓它自動重抓 ver. 2.25 的核心,又可以開始算了 (試完才看到 ExtremeTech 前輩的提醒,那個就得核心不是給 kepler 用的) 希望這些心得能對大家有幫助 |
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