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- 購片消息區
- - 庶務二課二出了
i will have my simple report posted on next monday if i got it by sunday - i don't use computer at home; the report will not include image as i don't have dvd-rom built in office computer, sorry! i hope it could be good as 'good luck' dvd is released in japan already.
畫值真是不怎麼樣 我猜是因為每片都放在4集加上兩個特點所致 |
我覺得還 ok 哩。 現在緯來也正在重播庶務二。 我昨晚比較了一下,感覺差不多。 所以可以接受啦。 不過緯來有個地方作的不錯, 他連片頭跟片尾曲都有歌詞翻譯, 挺好的。KIWI應該考慮一下,以後 連歌詞都給他翻譯。:p |
Got the DVD 'today' (not in weekend), will check the quality tonight and reveal result tomorrow! TV recording version or DVD decess version?
Got the DVD 'today' (not in weekend) at office, will check the quality tonight and reveal result tomorrow! TV recording version or DVD decess version?
以前的「奇異果」DVD都是一套五片裝,一片2~3話, 現在大概為了省成本,一套只用3片,一片都塞了4話,畫質的確有損失。 |
應該不是這樣 之前五片裝用的是單面單層 三片裝用的是單面雙層 這套特別收錄蠻多的 每片都有兩個 而且片尾也沒卡 如蔡蔡子的sweet season片尾就沒了 白線流沒有特別收錄 僅最後一片把各集的片尾預告收在一起而已 |
Checked 'Good Luck' DVD last night and confirm it is decess-ed from original DVD, not from TV recording. Film quality is up to normal standard but not to the top - I think it could be better as this is a new drama. SP is inclued on disc 3, about 40min (I guess, I didn't finish it). Japanese subtitle is included, bitrate is around 4-6 according to my Piorneer player.
Packing is not bad but plastic thrinking packing will damage the printed paper sometimes. It is not old 'unique' packing, even better than other kxwx packing. dvd9*3 in total in three disc jackets separately could not check it longer as my kid was not feeling well after dinner last night. anaway, thanks to kxwx so we could enjoy this quality drama at 'reasonable' cost. I hope 'trick II' could also be in dvd version, just hope. |
找經典電影 請打*絕版 影城*搜尋喔~ ^_^
☆絕 版 影 城☆ 有 喔~ ^_^
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