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- 顯示卡討論區
- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
:confused: 小弟用WinVNC跑遠端正常說(F@H GPU 6.12 Beta 8) 您是用XP內建的遠端桌面連線嗎,它遠端連線關閉=user登出...... |
可以在螢幕右下角的GPU圖示按右鍵→Status→Log file 建議蘇子兄可以安裝FahMon 這隻小程式方便查詢 :) |
[15:30:55] *------------------------------* [15:30:55] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [15:30:55] Version 1.08 (Tue Jul 22 08:24:14 PDT 2008) [15:30:55] [15:30:55] Compiler : cl: Command not found. [15:30:55] Build host: user-f6d030f24f [15:30:55] Preparing to commence simulation [15:30:55] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [15:31:05] - Looking at optimizations... [15:31:05] - Working with standard loops on this execution. [15:31:05] - Previous termination of core was improper. [15:31:05] - Files status OK [15:31:05] - Expanded 44050 -> 245182 (decompressed 556.5 percent) [15:31:05] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=44050 data_size=245182, decompressed_data_size=245182 diff=0 [15:31:05] - Digital signature verified [15:31:05] [15:31:05] Project: 5011 (Run 7, Clone 8, Gen 63) [15:31:05] [15:31:05] Entering M.D. [15:31:11] Will resume from checkpoint file [15:31:13] Working on 576 p5005_supervillin_e1 [15:31:14] Client config found, loading data. [15:31:14] Starting GUI Server [15:31:17] Resuming from checkpoint [15:31:17] Verified work/wudata_01.log [15:31:17] Verified work/wudata_01.edr [15:31:17] Verified work/wudata_01.trr [15:31:17] Verified work/wudata_01.xtc [15:31:21] CoreStatus = 62 (98) [15:31:21] + Restarting core (settings changed) [15:31:21] [15:31:21] + Processing work unit [15:31:21] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [15:31:21] Core found. [15:31:21] Working on queue slot 01 [July 29 15:31:21] [15:31:21] + Working ... [15:31:21] [15:31:21] *------------------------------* [15:31:21] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [15:31:21] Version 1.08 (Tue Jul 22 08:24:14 PDT 2008) [15:31:21] [15:31:21] Compiler : cl: Command not found. [15:31:21] Build host: user-f6d030f24f [15:31:21] Preparing to commence simulation [15:31:21] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [15:31:30] - Looking at optimizations... [15:31:30] - Not checking prior termination. [15:31:30] - Expanded 44050 -> 245182 (decompressed 556.5 percent) [15:31:30] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=44050 data_size=245182, decompressed_data_size=245182 diff=0 [15:31:30] - Digital signature verified [15:31:30] [15:31:30] Project: 5011 (Run 7, Clone 8, Gen 63) [15:31:30] [15:31:30] Assembly optimizations on if available. [15:31:30] Entering M.D. [15:31:36] Will resume from checkpoint file [15:31:40] Working on 576 p5005_supervillin_e1 [15:31:41] Client config found, loading data. [15:31:41] Starting GUI Server [15:31:46] Resuming from checkpoint [15:31:46] Verified work/wudata_01.log [15:31:46] Verified work/wudata_01.edr [15:31:46] Verified work/wudata_01.trr [15:31:46] Verified work/wudata_01.xtc [15:32:20] Opening C:\Documents and Settings\BBXP\Application Data\Folding@home-gpu\MyFolding.html... [17:28:39] Opening C:\Documents and Settings\BBXP\Application Data\Folding@home-gpu\MyFolding.html... [21:30:52] + Working... |
對阿 被發現了 原來遠端桌面連線的遠端連線關閉=user登出 WinVNC我試試看好了 感謝 |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/27920304@N06/show/ 這台才叫怪物 一台抵掉整個PCDVD團隊... |
國外搞F@H farm的玩家都常有驚人之作. 這個不錯,不過太客製化,不好複製. 貼圖的內容物應該是雙顆四核CPU+四PCI-E主機板兩張共8片9800GX2. 小弟下個月初二次擴充完後,PPD項目應可進入世排50強(目前rank 108). 其他台等有機會再來組,組新機對我來說是很小的問題,只是要再找地方放比較難. 目前物色到的空房如果沒問題,年底前或許可慢慢擴充到進世排10強(>10萬 PPD). :flash: 就讓小弟先一步來打響站上的名號吧~ PCDVD會是台灣WCG/F@H 雙料 第一強隊,相信是勝券在握不需懷疑的, 大家繼續加油就是嘍~ :D |
有強到~ 用了4個POWER~ 2個1200W的不行嗎 :confused: |
支持~~ :like: :yeah: R大萬歲 :D :laugh: 話說 我們這兩天的近24小時成績 好像都略贏過友站,所以 差距目前拉回要1.2~1.3個月才會被追上 (當然 這是以目前的PPD來講) |
看你的簽名檔... 不知不覺中已經爬到第五名了...好樣的! |
慢慢跑 :ase 雖然只是9600GT 不過全速跑的PPD還OK :D 之後住外面 就只有筆電加減幫忙囉 現在有空閒先多跑點 :ase |
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